Posts to Help You Be Who You Are Now and Become Who You Want to Be

My goal is for you to feel safe being who you are now and becoming who you want to be. Sometimes it helps to see someone else's challenges, plans, processes, and victories. Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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A Bit Of Holiday Peace (and perhaps some joy too!)

Everyone has their own experience of the holidays. Just like we have our own experiences of EVERYTHING. We even have our own definitions of what the holidays include! 

It seems the more people I speak with, though, there is a theme for many of them....stress and anxiety mixed in with the other more enjoyable flavors.

I've been writing a holiday blog series for Leigh Danial Family Law's website - hoping to help folks who are going through some major life changes and challenges to find more peace this holiday season. I'm sharing the first two blogs in the series here with you now...check back again for the next one!

Are Expectations Making You Dread the Holidays?

Are you dreading the holidays this year?

You’re not alone. According to Charity Clinic,

“Many people actually dread the holiday season and would prefer to avoid it altogether. According to a survey, 45% of those people living in the United States would choose to skip out on the holidays, rather than deal with...

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What If Peace Begins With Me?


I Dream A Lot

I think I've mentioned before that dreams are a way of life for me. I dream every night and remember many of them - as many as five or six dreams in one night. I don't write them all down anymore. It would take me half the day to keep a full dream journal. So now I just note the ones that seem important and remember those. Some of them are just for me - to reassure me or guide me. And some are  meant for me to share with the world. This is one of those dreams....

A Powerful Dream

I was watching my father - it was some evil version of him - as he began a ritual sacrifice of a kind and loving priest. I was sad and scared. He was at the center of something shaped l ike either an octopus or a sun with squiggly lines - it felt like it was underground or just windowless. And from the center where he was, many "arms" or "rays" radiated outward. They were lined with a dirty yellow tile,  kind of like a subway in NYC. But the arms were narrow - only one person could...

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How to Navigate the Chaos by Standing Still


Hi, this is Jennifer and I am here at Seneca Lake. I wanted to give you just a little thought that I came up with tonight and it's actually building on something that I've taught before.

I taught a class a while back about creating ripples by standing still. Basically, I was watching the rocks and the rock wall. And the rock wall was not moving. It was standing solid being what it is.... being its rocky solid self. And the lake was lapping up against it and ripples were going out from it.

You Are Enough

And it made me think that, even when we don't do anything, who we are, being who we are, is really important and we create ripples just by being who we are.

So, then, I was here the other night and we were having a really big wind storm and some rain, but mostly wind. And they were huge waves on the lake (huge for Seneca Lake... maybe a foot tall and maybe two at most).

But anyway, the point is that those huge waves were hitting the rock wall and it was creating...

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