A Bit Of Holiday Peace (and perhaps some joy too!)

Everyone has their own experience of the holidays. Just like we have our own experiences of EVERYTHING. We even have our own definitions of what the holidays include! 

It seems the more people I speak with, though, there is a theme for many of them....stress and anxiety mixed in with the other more enjoyable flavors.

I've been writing a holiday blog series for Leigh Danial Family Law's website - hoping to help folks who are going through some major life changes and challenges to find more peace this holiday season. I'm sharing the first two blogs in the series here with you now...check back again for the next one!

Are Expectations Making You Dread the Holidays?

Are you dreading the holidays this year?

You’re not alone. According to Charity Clinic,

“Many people actually dread the holiday season and would prefer to avoid it altogether. According to a survey, 45% of those people living in the United States would choose to skip out on the holidays, rather than deal with the stress of it all.” (https://www.claritychi.com/holiday-stress/)

The holidays can often be an intense time for folks, even for families that are not going through big shifts in structure (divorce, re-marriage, custody issues, etc.). So it makes sense that for folks that are in the middle of challenging family dynamics, it could be even more intense and could even lead to anxiety and depression.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. 

Read More of Blog 1 Here


When Living In The Current Moment Feels Painful

Does the smell of warm spiced cider bring up challenging emotions for you?

Do you feel sad or even angry when you imagine engaging in your normal holiday traditions (that no longer feel normal)?

Do you break down weeping when you hear “Silent Night” on the radio? Do you dread going to church in December because you know they will sing that at some point?

Would you like to feel safe, centered, and even happy throughout the holidays, despite these jarring reactions to things that used to bring you pleasure?

Read More Of Blog 2 Here


Please feel free to reach out if you are struggling. And/or join us for The Season Of Letting Go program in January. It's time for you to feel peace now. You deserve it. The world needs it. 

Love you!


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