What If Peace Begins With Me?


I Dream A Lot

I think I've mentioned before that dreams are a way of life for me. I dream every night and remember many of them - as many as five or six dreams in one night. I don't write them all down anymore. It would take me half the day to keep a full dream journal. So now I just note the ones that seem important and remember those. Some of them are just for me - to reassure me or guide me. And some are  meant for me to share with the world. This is one of those dreams....

A Powerful Dream

I was watching my father - it was some evil version of him - as he began a ritual sacrifice of a kind and loving priest. I was sad and scared. He was at the center of something shaped l ike either an octopus or a sun with squiggly lines - it felt like it was underground or just windowless. And from the center where he was, many "arms" or "rays" radiated outward. They were lined with a dirty yellow tile,  kind of like a subway in NYC. But the arms were narrow - only one person could fit at a time. I was in one of the rays and other folks filled all of the other rays. We held hands and sang songs about peace, love, personal power. We couldn't see each other - we could only see one person in front of us and one behind us in our own tunnel/ray/arm. But when we sang, we could hear the power of our voices all together. We weren't afraid of my dad and what he was doing. We were sad, but we knew we were far more powerful, even just linking in single file through the tunnel. We could not form a physical united front, but we could create the Love and connection needed one person at a time to shift the situation and to be safe and even joyful. 

I woke up feeling very peaceful and knowing things are all working out to our highest and best versions  of Love and safety.

A Beautiful Interpretation

I feel like my dad represented an extreme, angry ideology that felt like it needed to kill the joyful, kind, minister/priest/leader to maintain its power.  But we knew that wasn't what was important. Connection to each other, holding each other in Love and safety, and singing our song of peace was what would really "win" in this situation.

Love Trumps Belief

So how do we sing and love each other,  even if we can't come together in one central area or belief. How do we choose Love and Peace over all the other options (anger, separation, frustration, "othering")? Can you find one hand to hold in front of you and one to hold behind you?  Let's find people we can love with our whole hearts and sing songs of peace together, whether we can come to center on anything or not.

How can I help you feel safe doing that?

Forgiveness as a Path Forward

If you need some ideas, please join our Forgiveness Experiment and join us for the events as they are offered in the coming months. You will find a way forward that fits you best.

Guidance from Your Akashic Records

You can also reach out to me for a private session if you have fears you need to address/clear or if you want to get some guidance from your own Akashic records.

I love you.



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